Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sleep troubles. (Plus chocolate cherry bombs!)

You would assume that a post entitled "sleep troubles" by a mother with a 3 month old would be referring to said three month old. That assumption would be incorrect. Baby Roo sleeps great! He wakes up once or twice for a diaper and to nurse, and then goes right back down. He goes down great, too. (As long as he is swaddled tightly!).

My three year old, Hailey, on the other hand, is a horrible sleeper. She is up and down, using every excuse in the book to get out of bed. She's hungry, she's thirsty, she's scared, she has to go potty. You name it, she's said it. We've tried being tough with her, being comforting and understanding, and everything in between to no avail. I'm at a loss, and the lack of sleep is starting to wear on me. Even when we do get her to fall asleep in her bed, she sneaks into our bed when we are sleeping. Any other mommies have sleep troubles with a toddler? How did you handle it?

On a brighter note, today, Hailey and I made these chocolate cherry bombs we found on Pinterest.

While ours were not as...Aesthetically pleasing as hers, they were delicious! And Hailey had a blast rolling them into balls. Definitely a fun project, and tasty too!

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